
A for Ally,即係盟友嘅意思 = 支持LGBTIA+嘅CISHET(順性別+異性戀者)

Get to know the Straight Ally Pride Flag

What is the meaning behind the Straight Ally Pride Flag?

The black and white stripes represent the straight flag. 
The rainbow colours in the letter “A” represent the LGBT+ community.

The letter “A” means ally; it represents cis-het (cisgender and heterosexual) people who support the LGBTQIA+ community. The Straight Ally Pride Flag was first used in 2000, but the creator is unknown.

There are getting more allies in Hong Kong!

According to the survey done by The Chinese University of Hong Kong on the public attitudes towards LGBT+ legal rights in Hong Kong in 2019. For the question “there should be legal protection against discrimination for people of different sexual orientations in Hong Kong,”

Agree 60% , Neutral 27% and Disagree 12%

It’s a shame that the government take inert legislation despite the supporting public attitudes! Chu Man Kin Chairman of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) states that it is a necessity to legislate the Sexual Orientation Discrimination Ordinance. “If we don’t legislate, we won’t go anywhere.”

Since 2019, Chu, the Chairman of the EOC, has expressed multiple times during interviews that legislation would solve the problem of discrimination against people with different sexual orientations or identities.

During the Pride Parade in November 2019, Chu also stated that with the internal resources, the EOC will draft legal provisions for the basic rights of the LGBT+ community. For example, the right to education, access to public service facilities, and employment, then integrate different opinions and submit it to the government. 

In 2022, Chu got re-elected until April 2024, as he was praised for his passion for his work in the EOC.

Let’s hope Chairman Chu will lead the team at the EOC to complete the draft of related provisions and submit it to the government during the current term of office