無性戀旗在2010年經「Asexual Visibility and Education Network」AVEN社群網站投票選出。 社群希望設計一面代表無性戀者的旗幟,於是用戶在網站中拋出不同設計方案和討論設計。經過多次投票之後,以四色橫條紋簡單設計獲最多人支持。
Get to know the the asexual flag
What do the colours of the asexual flag mean?
- Black: asexuality
- Grey: Grey & Demisexuality
- White: Non-asexual partners & allies
- Purple: Community
Designer: Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)
Established in 2001, AVEN seeks to increase asexual awareness and build an asexual community. Hoping to design a flag representing asexuals, different flag designs are posted on AVEN’s forum in 2010. After discussions and several votings, the simple 4-stripes design was voted the winner.
The asexual spectrum, in short, is a type of sexual attraction used to describe whether a person experiences sexual attraction to another person.
Most common types of asexuality
- Asexual: unable to experience sexual attraction
- Grey-asexual: seldom experiences sexual attraction to others
- Demisexual: only able to experience sexual attraction with a strong personal bond
Due to the word “ace” being a shortened form of “asexual”, the asexual community also uses the ace symbol in playing cards to symbolise the community.
This is similar to how bisexual is shorted to “bi”, and lesbian as “les”.
Despite having little discussion about asexual culture among the general public, the asexual community does exist and is thriving!