We took this chance to scout and hunt down sculptures that scattered across different areas of the City. The entire series were done in dusk times and sneakily like guerrilla action. Can public sculptures be part of art re-creation? With the question in mind, we carried out this plan.
Taking photograph in public spaces was an expression, bringing something new into issues that is often considered private, like sexual orientation. Homosexuality has always been labeled and described as “hiding in the closet”, we even refer the revealing or to openly discussing one’s sexual orientation as “come out”, same goes to other sex-related agenda – they are simply not for public discussion. We hope, by having this wearable rainbow flag, project some interesting landscape photos reflecting the image of “coming out” in open spaces.
The six-colored LGBT rainbow flag is uniquely hand-made from fabrics of different pattern. We believe even its the same LBGT rainbow, there should still be variations instead of stereotypes. We all have that uniqueness within, everyone should just be glamorously colorful.